Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Warfare Prayers

Warfare Prayers Against Witchcraft

John Eckhardt prayers

Learn prayers against witchcraft - 

i rebuke you in the name of jesus prayer which are deep spiritual warfare prayers.

Lord, teach my hands to war and my fingers to fight (Ps. 144:1). Prayers against witchcraft. 

Lord, I am Your End-Times warrior. Use me as Your weapon against the enemy (2 Chron. 11:1).

The weapons of my warfare are not carnal but mighty through the pulling down of strongholds (2 Cor. 10:4).

Satan, you have lost the war in heaven (Rev. 12:7).

Let all the enemies that make war with the Lamb be destroyed (Rev. 17:14).

I do not war after the flesh but after the spirit (2 Cor. 10:3).

Lord, thunder upon the enemy; release Your voice; hailstones and coals of fire (Ps. 18:13).

Send out Your arrows and scatter them. Shoot out

Your light and discomfit them (Ps. 18:14).

Deliver me from my strong enemy, those who are too strong for me (Ps. 18:17).

Deliver me, and bring me into a large place (Ps. 18:19).

I am your battle-ax and weapon of war (Jer. 51:20).

You have given me the necks of my enemies, and I will destroy them in the name of Jesus (Ps. 18:40).

I am Your anointed, and You give me great deliverance (Ps. 18:50).

I will beat them small as the dust and cast them out as mire in the streets (Ps. 18:42).

I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them. I did not turn until they were consumed (Ps. 18:37).

I have wounded them, and they are not able to rise.

They have fallen under my feet (Ps. 18:38).

I tread upon the lion and adder. The young lion and dragon I trample underfoot (Ps. 91:13).

I tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt me (Luke 10:19).

I tread down the wicked; they are ashes under my feet (Mal. 4:3).

I will arise and thresh and beat the enemy into pieces (Mic. 4:13).

I rebuke every wild boar of the field in the name of Jesus (Ps. 80:13).

I rebuke every spirit that creeps forth from the forest (Ps. 104:20).

I rebuke every spirit of the beast of the forest that comes to devour (Isa. 56:9).

I rebuke every spirit of the lion of the forest that comes to slay (Jer. 5:6).

I close the door to every demonic rat that would attempt to come into my life in the name of Jesus (Isa. 66:17).

I bind and cast out every thief that would try to steal my finances in the name of Jesus (John 10:10).

I bind and cast out any spirit that would try to steal my joy in the name of Jesus.

I bind, expose, and cast out any demon that would try by stealth (undetected) to come into my life (2 Sam. 19:3).

Lord, cleanse my temple and drive out any thief from my life (John 2:14–15).

Lord, lift up a standard against any flood the enemy would try to bring into my life (Isa. 59:19).

I bind and cast out all familiar spirits that would try to operate in my life in the name of Jesus (Isa. 8:19).

I bind and rebuke any demon that would try to block my way in the name of Jesus (Matt. 8:28).

I remove all leaven of malice and wickedness from my life (1 Cor. 5:8).

I rebuke and cast out any froglike spirit from my life in the name of Jesus (Rev. 16:13).

I bind and rebuke devils in high places in the name of Jesus (2 Chron. 11:15).

I break off any fellowship with devils through sin, the flesh, or sacrifice in the name of Jesus (1 Cor. 10:20).

I command all devils to leave my children in the name of Jesus (Mark 7:29).

Lord, expose any human devils in my life in the name of Jesus (John 6:70).

Lord, expose any children of the devil that would try to come into the church (Acts 13:10).

Let every spirit hiding from me be exposed in the name of Jesus (Josh. 10:16).

Let every hidden snare for my feet be exposed (Jer. 18:22).

I stand against and rebuke every wile of the devil (Eph. 6:11).

I release myself from any snare of the devil in the name of Jesus (2 Tim. 2:26).

I will not come into the condemnation of the devil (1 Tim. 3:6).

Lord, let no doctrine of the devil be established in my life (1 Tim. 4:1).

I nullify the power of any sacrifice made to devils in my city, region, or nation in the name of Jesus (Lev. 17:7).

I bind and rebuke Molech and any spirit that has been assigned to abort my destiny (Lev. 18:21).

Give me strength to bring forth my destiny (Isa. 66:9).

I overcome every antichrist spirit because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4–5).

I loose myself from every spirit of error in the name of Jesus (1 John 4:6).

Lord, let me not operate in the wrong spirit (Luke 9:55).

I loose myself from every spirit of whoredom in the name of Jesus (Hos. 4:12).

Let me have and walk in an excellent spirit (Dan. 6:3).

I will take heed to my spirit at all times (Mal. 2:15).

I bind and cast out any spirit that would try to tear apart my life in any manner in the name of Jesus (Mark 9:20).

Lord, stir up my spirit to do Your will (Hag. 1:14).

I bind and cast out any demon of slumber from my life in the name of Jesus (Rom. 11:8).

I bind and cast out all demons of fear and timidity in the name of Jesus (2 Tim. 1:7).

I bind and cast out all seducing spirits that would come my way in the name of Jesus (1 Tim. 4:1).

I bind and rebuke the angel of light in the name of Jesus (2 Cor. 11:14).

I reject all false apostolic ministries in the name of Jesus (2 Cor. 11:13).

I reject all false prophetic ministries in the name of Jesus (Matt. 7:15).

I reject all false teaching ministries in the name of Jesus (2 Pet. 2:1).

Expose all false brethren to me (2 Cor. 11:26).

I reject the mouth of vanity and the right hand of falsehood (Ps. 144:8).

I reject every false vision and every false prophetic word released into my life (Jer. 14:14).

I bind Satan, the deceiver, from releasing any deception into my life (Rev. 12:9).

I bind and cast out all spirits of self-deception in the name of Jesus (1 Cor. 3:18).

I bind and cast out any spirit of sorcery that would deceive me in the name of Jesus (Rev. 18:23).

Lord, let no man deceive me (Matt. 24:4).

I bind and rebuke any bewitchment that would keep me from obeying the truth (Gal. 3:1).

I pray for utterance and boldness to make known the mystery of the gospel (Eph. 6:19).

Deliver me out of the hand of wicked and unreasonable men (2 Th ess. 3:2).

Evil spirits leave my life as I hear and speak the Word (Matt. 8:16).

I rebuke, still, and cast out the avenger (Ps. 8:2).

I bind and cast out any creeping spirit that would attempt to creep into my life (Ezek. 8:10).

Let the hammer of the wicked be broken (Jer. 50:23).

I renounce all earthly, sensual, and demonic wisdom (James 3:15).

I cast out devils, and I will be perfected (Luke 13:32).

Let every Pharaoh that would pursue my life be drowned in the sea (Exod. 15:4).

I rebuke every demonic bee that would surround me in the name of Jesus (Ps. 118:12).

I bind and cast out any spirit of Absalom that would try to steal my heart from God’s ordained leadership (2 Sam. 15:6).

I will sleep well. I will not be kept awake by any spirit of restlessness or insomnia (Ps. 3:5).

I laugh at the enemy through the Holy Spirit (Ps. 2:4).

I cut the cords of the wicked from my life (Ps. 129:4).

Let every cord the enemy tries to put around my life be like burning flax (Judg. 15:14).

I break down every wall of Jericho (Josh. 6:5).

Lord, cleanse my life from secret faults (Ps. 19:12).

Lord, let Your secret be upon my tabernacle (Job 29:4).

Lead me and guide me for Your name’s sake (Ps. 31:3).

Guide me continually (Isa. 58:11).

Guide me into all truth (John 16:13).

Guide me with Your eye (Ps. 32:8).

Let me guide my affairs with discretion (Ps. 112:5).

Guide me by the skillfulness of Your hands (Ps. 78:72).

Lead me in a plain path because of my enemies (Ps. 27:11).

Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil (Matt. 6:13).

Lead me, and make Your way straight before my eyes (Ps. 5:8).

Make the crooked places straight and the rough places smooth before me (Isa. 40:4).

Send out Your light and truth, and let them lead me (Ps. 43:3).

Make darkness light before me and crooked things straight (Isa. 42:16).

Teach me to do your will, and lead me into the land of uprightness (Ps. 143:10).

I put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isa. 61:3).

Clothe me with the garment of salvation (Isa. 61:10).

I put on my beautiful garments (Isa. 52:1).

Let my garments always be white (Eccles. 9:8).

Let me be clothed with humility (1 Pet. 5:5).

Cover me with the robe of righteousness (Isa. 61:10).

Let my clothes be full of Your virtue (Mark 5:30).

Let a mantle of power rest upon my life (2 Kings 2:8).

Lord, give me wisdom in every area where I lack (James 1:5).

Let every plant that my Father has not planted be rooted out in the name of Jesus.

I lay the ax to the root of every evil tree in my life.

Let every ungodly generational taproot be cut and pulled out of my bloodline in the name of Jesus.

Let the roots of wickedness be as rottenness.

I speak to every evil tree to be uprooted and cast into the sea (Luke 17:6).

Let Your holy fire-burn up every ungodly root in the name of Jesus (Mal. 4:1).

Let the confidence of the enemy be rooted out (Job 18:14).

Let every root of bitterness be cut from my life (Heb. 12:15).

Let the prophetic word be released to root out evil kingdoms (Jer. 1:10).

Let any evil person planted in my church be rooted out in the name of Jesus.

Let any sickness rooted in my body be plucked up in the name of Jesus.

Let all false ministries that have rooted themselves in my city be plucked up.

Let every bramble and nettle be plucked up from my life in the name of Jesus.

Let all thorns be burned out of my life in the name of Jesus (Isa. 10:17).

Let all spirits rooted in rejection come out in the name of Jesus.

Let all spirits rooted in pride come out in the name of Jesus.

Let all spirits rooted in rebellion come out in the name of Jesus.

Let all spirits rooted in fear come out in the name of Jesus.

Let all spirits rooted in lust and sexual sin come out in the name of Jesus.

Let all spirits rooted in curses come out in the name of Jesus.

Let all spirits rooted in witchcraft come out in the name of Jesus.

Let all spirits rooted in any part of my body and organs come out in the name of Jesus.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Renunciation Prayer to Renounce Eastern Star

Order of the Eastern Star Renunciation Prayer

Breaking the Rituals of Freemasonry through prayer

Renounce and denounce prayer to break the Order of the Eastern Star - a curse-breaker prayer

If you find yourself entangled in the Order of the Eastern Star and are seeking a way out, consider renouncing and denouncing their practices through a powerful curse-breaking prayer. This prayer can serve as a beacon of hope, drawing upon your inner strength to break free from any negative energy or influence holding you back. Remember, taking a stand for your beliefs and well-being is empowering and can lead you towards a path of clarity and liberation. 

 I repent, renounce, and break the curse for all oaths taken, curses and rituals enacted, and regalia worn by my ancestors involved with the Eastern Star. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I smash and destroy the power of the pentagram (symbol of the Eastern Star) from my family line and myself. I declare that the Blood of Jesus Christ covers us.

 l sever every cord that binds my family or me to Freemasonry through the Eastern Star and renounce and break the curse of mutual obligation.

 I repent, renounce, and break this oath: “…I bind myself to the most solemn secrecy respecting the work of the Order and to that performance (of its goals)." "The obligation of our Order voluntarily assumed is perpetual, from the force of which there is no release." I declare that my family is released through the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

 I repent and renounce and break on behalf of the women in my ancestral lines who knelt before the altar of the Eastern Star and knowingly, or in ignorance, gave themselves to the gods of Freemasonry.

 I repent and renounce and break the power of the curse of false light, purity, and joy. I declare that "The Joy of the Lord is my strength," and the fruit of the Holy Spirit is mine.

 I repent and renounce and break oaths and rituals of Freemasonry (see oaths).


The God of Winter – Season of Death

 I renounce Typhon, the god of winter, and all its effects.

 I renounce violent death and conspiracy from my ancestral line and myself.

 I renounce all soul ties with Typhon and break the curses and resulting dismemberment, fracturing, and shattering of health, life, relationships, personality, soul, finances, and every area of life. I do this in Jesus Christ's Holy Name.

 In the Name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, I align my body, mind, soul, and spirit with the perfect plan and will of the Ancient of Days for my life.

 I declare Song of Solomon 2:11: “For Lo, the winter is past, and the rains are over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the birds singing comes.

Everyone is looking for Wholeness in their health, and these articles are designed to help those suffering from sickness and disease find answers and recover from the enemy's snares.

history of eastern star

Traci Morin, President - Touch of God Ministries - a healing and deliverance ministry. If your family was involved, going back 4 generations, in the Freemasonry, a lot of curses - sicknesses, financial curses, blocks to your success, and more. Get free from the curses of Masonic curses from freemasonry oaths.

At War Prayer Manual - Overthrowing and Uprooting Evil Witchcraft Forces Prayers. This link will take you to another site to purchase the book. A digital downloadable book PDF - No need for shipping address.

At War Manual - Overthrowing and Uprooting Evil Witchcraft Forces Prayers

Get your free copy of Freemasonry Exposed by clicking on the picture to go to the download page. 

Freemasonry Exposed Curses

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Diseases Associated with Freemasonry - Renounce

Physical Diseases From the Association of Freemasonry - and other issues and renunciation of the Kundalini Spirit. 

Freedom from the Effects of Freemasonry

Say this Freemasonry renunciation prayer out loud.

People involved in freemasonry do not understand that Freemasonry has been linked to various health issues such as stress, anxiety, and even heart diseases due to the secretive nature of the organization.

I renounce all curses of cancer on my ancestral line and myself because of oaths pronounced over the body through Freemasonry. I take authority over and command every rebellious cell within my body to come into perfect order and line up with the original plan and design of The Ancient of Days.

 I renounce and break all curses of fear of cancer and death through cancer.

 I renounce and break every curse over the body organs, such as the heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, gall bladder, liver, bladder, and womb.

 I renounce all curses of heart attack, open-heart surgery, stroke, heart disease, and resulting premature death.

 I renounce and break all curses of the blood resulting from Freemasonry blood oaths, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, anemia, high/low blood pressure, thrombosis, hemorrhaging, Rheumatoid Arthritis, diabetes, hypo or hyperglycemia, blood poisoning, hepatitis, AIDS or HIV.

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freemasonry exposed curses

Extreme Fatigue and Infirmities

 I renounce and break every curse of infirmity and continual illness that affects my ancestral line and myself because of Freemasonry ceremonies and blood oaths. I lose my ancestral line, myself, and my descendants from all infirmity, allergies, and continual illness in the Name of Jesus Christ.

I destroy the stronghold of Death and Hell over my body to destroy it.

 I renounce and break the curse of occult spiritual blows to the head resulting in migraine or death and break the curse of sudden mysterious fevers.

 I renounce and break the curse of rejection resulting from being called "rubbish in the temple" and the resulting curse of being shunned or put out of the Church fellowship. I break every curse of being unfruitful in the Church or for the Kingdom of God.

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Mental Illness

 I renounce and break all curses of mental illness coming down my ancestral line due to involvement in Freemasonry.

 I renounce and break the curse of having a double-soul, double-mind, ADD, or being Bipolar. I break the power of spiritual and mental confusion in the Name of Jesus Christ.

 I renounce and break all curses that disable me from comprehending and articulating my feelings. I break all curses on my verbal faculties and the ability to hear spiritually and physically.

 I renounce and break the curse of having 2 fathers or masters and the resulting confusion in identity. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I call my body, soul, and spirit into perfect alignment according to God's plan and will.

 I renounce and break the curse of Paranoid Schizophrenia and Fear from my ancestral line and myself.

 I renounce and break the power of Freemasonry witchcraft oaths and curses, resulting in depression, melancholy, oppression, and being in a psychotic state.

 I break all ungodly ties or bonds to anyone in my family line with the same problems.

 I renounce and break the power of the curses of the Freemasonry ceremony involving Nebuchadnezzar.

 I renounce and break the power of all Freemasonry witchcraft oaths resulting in insanity, senility or dementia, Alzheimer's disease, disorientation, confusion, loss of memory, breakdown of any kind, mental, emotional, spiritual, nervous, or physical.

 I break the curse of being committed to a psychiatric hospital or asylum.

 I renounce and break the curse of obsessive-compulsive, repetitive behavior.

 I break the curse of all religious, spiritual, and doctrinal obsessions.

 I renounce and break the curses of suicide, death wishes, and mental instability.

 I renounce and break all curses of insecurity and co-dependency due to abandonment by my father because of Freemasonry.


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Nervous Disorders & Fear

 I renounce and break all the curses on the nervous system coming down my family line due to involvement in Freemasonry.

 I renounce the Shriner's ceremonial ritual and oath of standing barefoot on a board and having electric shocks transmitted through the body. I renounce all curses of a shock to the nervous system, all attraction to electroshock treatment, and death from electric shock.

 I renounce and break the curse of all shock, fear, trauma, and grief stored in the nervous system through accident, sudden shock, sudden loss, and death or through inheritance. I declare in the Name of Jesus Christ that I am loosed from this fear and shock, and it is broken from my generational lines. I declare that continual shocks are damaging my family and me.

 I lose myself from fear of accidents, rape, any kind of loss, and blows to the head.

 I renounce and break the power of Freemasonry Occult curses to afflict my ancestral line and myself with diseases or violence affecting the nerves, such as multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, spinal cancer, Parkinson's disease, sexual abuse, rape, sudden death, or betrayal by friends or marriage partner.

 I break the power of the Masonic curse of death from the spinal cord, nervous system, and silver cord in the Name of Jesus Christ.

 I renounce and break every curse of inflammation of the nerves and the nerves being on edge.

 I declare that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and all ties to the Masonic temple is cut in the Name of Jesus Christ, and I am loosed from every known or unknown disorder and disease resulting from a Freemasonry curse. Every negative thing lodged in my nervous system is now dislodged, and I now plead the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ over every access point that is now closed.


1. Over the Body

For example, plagues of death over the uterus and prostrate areas with a curse from the Baphomet phallic god and the curse of sodomy and bestiality. Bowel and colon cancer have a strong spiritual tie
to sodomy and perverted anal activity is often associated with this filthy Masonic idol and practice.

Everyone is looking for Wholeness in their health, and these articles are designed to help those suffering from sickness and disease find answers and recover from the enemy's snares.

Traci Morin, President - Touch of God Ministries - a Chrsistian healing and deliverance ministry. If your family was involved, going back 4 generations, in the Freemasonry, a lot of curses - sicknesses, financial curses, blocks to your success, and more. Get free from the curses of Masonic curses from freemasonry oaths.

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Off-shoots of Freemasonry - See List

Unveiling the Truth: Exposing False Off-shoots of Freemasonry

The list includes:

• MEN:

o The Shriners,
o Independent Order of Rechabites,
o Independent Order of Oddfellows,
o Ancient Order of Foresters,
o Independent Order of Foresters,
o The Orange Lodge (Ireland), the DRUIDS,
o The Buffalo Lodge,
o Loyal Order of Moose,
o Benevolent Protective Order of the ELKS,
o Fraternal Order of Eagles,
o Knights of Columbus,
o Knights of Pythias,
o Order of Red Men,
o Royal Arch Mariners,
o Grotto,
o Tall Cedars of Lebanon,
o Order of the Golden Chain,
o Order of the Golden Key,
o Woodsmen of the World,
o The Mystic Order of the Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm,
o Acacia Fraternity,
o The Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine,
o Royal Order of Jesters,
o Order Templi Orientis
o Black masonic organizations 

o The Order of Eastern Star,
o Order of Amaranth,
o White Shrine of Jerusalem,
o The Daughters of Mokanna,
o Daughters of the Nile and White Shrine,
o Order of Golden Dawn.
o The Order of Demolay,
o The Order of Builders,
o The Daughters of Job.

Baden Powell's Scouts

Even the Scouts and Girl Guides have their roots in Lord Baden Powells's Freemasonry. He was a prominent member of the Lodge of the Grand Orient. There is a Baden Powell Lodge.

Most Scouts and Guides are required to repeat a pledge on entrance to the movement. The Bible says we are not to swear at all. Yes, the principles of these movements have many positive attributes, but some aspects need to be repentant.

The Three-finger salute is a recognized witchcraft symbol. This is used in the scouts.

The Order of the Easter Star

The Order of the Eastern Star is for wives, daughters, and female relatives of Master Masons. The Eastern Star is an inverted five-pointed star known as a pentagram. It is a compelling, magical device used in witchcraft and satanism.

This order was created by Dr. Rob Morris, a leading Mason known as a "Masterbuilder" of the Order. Every ritual and oath of the Order of Eastern Star is based upon the oaths and rituals of Freemasonry. It is a Masonic order.

The oaths and rituals of the Order bind the lady to the Masonic brotherhood:
"Whatever benefits are due from Masons to wives, daughters … reciprocal duties are due from them to Masons."

Members of the Order of Eastern Star take oaths of silence and secrecy … "By it you bind yourself to the most solemn secrecy respecting the work of the Order and to that performance."

Traci Morin, President - Touch of God Ministries - a Christian healing and deliverance ministry. If your family was involved, going back 4 generations, in the Freemasonry, a lot of curses - sicknesses, financial curses, blocks to your success, and more. Get free from the curses of Masonic curses from freemasonry oaths.

Get your free copy of Freemasonry Exposed by clicking on the picture to go to the download page. 

Freemasonry Exposed Curses