Showing posts with label rituals of Freemasonry break oaths and rituals of freemasonry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rituals of Freemasonry break oaths and rituals of freemasonry. Show all posts

Friday, February 17, 2012

Renunciation Prayer to Renounce Eastern Star

Order of the Eastern Star Renunciation Prayer

Breaking the Rituals of Freemasonry through prayer

Renounce and denounce prayer to break the Order of the Eastern Star - a curse-breaker prayer

If you find yourself entangled in the Order of the Eastern Star and are seeking a way out, consider renouncing and denouncing their practices through a powerful curse-breaking prayer. This prayer can serve as a beacon of hope, drawing upon your inner strength to break free from any negative energy or influence holding you back. Remember, taking a stand for your beliefs and well-being is empowering and can lead you towards a path of clarity and liberation. 

 I repent, renounce, and break the curse for all oaths taken, curses and rituals enacted, and regalia worn by my ancestors involved with the Eastern Star. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I smash and destroy the power of the pentagram (symbol of the Eastern Star) from my family line and myself. I declare that the Blood of Jesus Christ covers us.

 l sever every cord that binds my family or me to Freemasonry through the Eastern Star and renounce and break the curse of mutual obligation.

 I repent, renounce, and break this oath: “…I bind myself to the most solemn secrecy respecting the work of the Order and to that performance (of its goals)." "The obligation of our Order voluntarily assumed is perpetual, from the force of which there is no release." I declare that my family is released through the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

 I repent and renounce and break on behalf of the women in my ancestral lines who knelt before the altar of the Eastern Star and knowingly, or in ignorance, gave themselves to the gods of Freemasonry.

 I repent and renounce and break the power of the curse of false light, purity, and joy. I declare that "The Joy of the Lord is my strength," and the fruit of the Holy Spirit is mine.

 I repent and renounce and break oaths and rituals of Freemasonry (see oaths).


The God of Winter – Season of Death

 I renounce Typhon, the god of winter, and all its effects.

 I renounce violent death and conspiracy from my ancestral line and myself.

 I renounce all soul ties with Typhon and break the curses and resulting dismemberment, fracturing, and shattering of health, life, relationships, personality, soul, finances, and every area of life. I do this in Jesus Christ's Holy Name.

 In the Name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, I align my body, mind, soul, and spirit with the perfect plan and will of the Ancient of Days for my life.

 I declare Song of Solomon 2:11: “For Lo, the winter is past, and the rains are over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the birds singing comes.

Everyone is looking for Wholeness in their health, and these articles are designed to help those suffering from sickness and disease find answers and recover from the enemy's snares.

history of eastern star

Traci Morin, President - Touch of God Ministries - a healing and deliverance ministry. If your family was involved, going back 4 generations, in the Freemasonry, a lot of curses - sicknesses, financial curses, blocks to your success, and more. Get free from the curses of Masonic curses from freemasonry oaths.

At War Prayer Manual - Overthrowing and Uprooting Evil Witchcraft Forces Prayers. This link will take you to another site to purchase the book. A digital downloadable book PDF - No need for shipping address.

At War Manual - Overthrowing and Uprooting Evil Witchcraft Forces Prayers

Get your free copy of Freemasonry Exposed by clicking on the picture to go to the download page. 

Freemasonry Exposed Curses