Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What is Contemplative Prayer - Free Video

Exposing Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative Prayer is Not Christian. Contemplative Prayer is New Age. Learn the dangers of contemplative prayer

Video Title: Why "Contemplative Prayer" is a Dangerous New Age Mystical Practice


Traci Morin, President - Touch of God Ministries - a Christian healing and deliverance ministry. Setting the Captives Free

Presidents Secret Societies

Presidents, Governors, Congressmen In Secret Societies

45 Arnold Schwarzenegger, 2013- R
Bohemian Club, Nazi

44 Barack Hussein Obama, 2009- D

43 George Walker Bush, 2001-2009 R
Bohemian Club, Skull and Bones

42 William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton, 1993-2001 D
Skull and Bones, The Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Rhodes Scholars (1968), Council on Foreign Relations, Mason

41 George Herbert Walker Bush, 1989-1993 R
Bohemian Club, 33rd Degree Masons, Skull and Bones, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Order Of The Garter

40 Ronald Wilson Reagan, 1981-1989 R
Bohemian Club, Mason

39 James (Jimmy) Earl Carter, 1977-1981 D
Trilateral Commission (founding member), Council on Foreign Relations

38 Gerald R. Ford, 1974-1977 R
Bohemian Club, The Bilderberg Group, honorary Mason of the DeMolay-Legion of Honor, Council on Foreign Relations

37 Richard Milhous Nixon, 1969-1974 R
Bohemian Club, Council on Foreign Relations

Trilateral Commission started in 1973.

36 Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963-1969 D
Entered Apprentice Mason, Council on Foreign Relations

35 John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961-1963 D, Assnd
* Skull and Bones, Council on Foreign Relations, Illuminati

34 Dwight David Eisenhower, 1953-1961 R
Bohemian Club, Council on Foreign Relations

33 Harry S Truman, 1945-1953 D
33rd Degree Masons, Skull and Bones, Council on Foreign Relations

32 Franklin Deleno Roosevelt, 1933-1945 D, died
33rd Degree Masons, Skull and Bones, Council on Foreign Relations

31 Herbert Clark Hoover, 1929-1933 R
Bohemian Club, Skull and Bones

Bilderberg Group started in 1932.

30 John Calvin Coolidge, 1923-1929 R
Skull and Bones

29 Warren Gamaliel Harding, 1921-1923 R, died

Council on Foreign Relations started in 1921.

28 Thomas Woodrow Wilson, 1913-1921 D
American Institute of International Affairs (CFR today)

27 William Howard Taft, 1909-1913 R
Skull and Bones, Mason

26 Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, 1901-1909 R

Rhodes Scholars started in 1902.

Note: Mason power put in Vice Presidency prior to 1901, before a President dies.

25 William McKinley, 1897-1901 R, Assnd

24,22 Grover Cleveland, 1893-1897, 1885-1889 D

23 Benjamin Harrison, 1889-1893 R

21 Chester Alan Arthur, 1881-1885 R

20 James Abram Garfield, 1881 R, Assnd
Mason, Knights Templar

19 Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 1877-1881 R
Skull and Bones

18 Ulysses Simpson Grant, 1869-1877 R

Bohemian Club started in 1872.

17 Andrew Johnson, 1865-1869 D
Degree Master Masons

16 Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1865 R, Assnd
* Mason

15 James Buchanan, 1857-1861 D
Master Masons

14 Franklin Pierce, 1853-1857 D
Mason, Knights Of The Garter

13 Millard Fillmore, 1850-1853 W

12 Zachary Taylor, 1849-1850 W
Mason, Knights Of The Garter

11 James Polk, 1845-1849 D
Master Masons

10 John Tyler, 1841-1845 W

09 William Henry Harrison, 1841 W, died

08 Martin Van Buren, 1837-1841 D

07 Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837 D
Grand Master of Masons

Skull and Bones started in 1832 with the help of the Taft family.

06 John Quincy Adams, 1825-1829 DR

05 James Monroe, 1817-1825 DR
Grand Master of Masons, Knights Of The Garter

04 James Madison, 1809-1817 DR

03 Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809 DR

02 John Adams, 1797-1801 F

01 George Washington, 1789-1797 F
Master Masons, Knights Of The Garter

The Illuminati started May 1, 1776.

Knights Templar started in 1118 (33rd degree masons).

Description of these secret societies

Skull & Bones, 1832
It all began at Yale. In 1832, General William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft put together a super secret society for the elite children of the Anglo- American Wall Street banking establishment. William Huntington Russell's step-brother Samuel Russell ran "Russell & Co.", the world's largest OPIUMsmuggling operation in the world at the time. Alphonso Taft is the Grandfather of our ex-president Howard Taft, the creator of the Forerunner to the United Nations.

"Actual Membership List of Skull & Bones" including the Rockefeller, Weyerhaeuser, & Pillsbury Families to name a few, and William Averall Harriman related to Pamela Harriman who supplied the funds to elect Bill Clinton to office.

The Bilderberg Group - 'The High Priests of Globalisation.' Bilderberg is an extremely influential lobbying group. The Bilderberg Secretariat proclaims the conferences to be '...private in order to encourage frank and open discussion'. If what they discuss is for the good of ordinary people why not publicise it! Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands once wore the black uniform of Hitler’s SS is quite true.

With its membership selected from the power élite of Europe and North America, many wonder if the Bilderbergers are conspiring to establish a 'new world order'. Reported attendies to meetings are: Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Peter Jennings, and about 115 powerful people.

SEVENTEEN YEARS OF BILDERBERGERS INCLUDING THE 2000 INVITEES AND THEIR ELITE AFFILIATIONS* William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton, BB/CFR/RS/TC; Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr., BB/CFR; Henry Alfred Kissinger, BB/CFR/TC J; Walter Fritz Mondale, BB/CFR/TC; Colin L. Powell, BB/CFR; David Rockefeller, BB/CFR/TC; William J. McDonough, President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Council on Foreign Relations, 1921

CFR members Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Henry Kissinger overlooked a no-win war in Vietnam after sacrificing 55,000 American casualties. The names of hundreds of media executives and journalists can be found on the CFR membership roster.

Knights of Garter
A list of all knights from 1348 to 1939, adapted from Edmund H. Fellowes: The Knights of the Garter 1348-1939, and A list of all knights from 1904 to the present, provided in April 1999 by Christopher Buyers on the newsgroup Some are: 904 (app 1947) Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh. Subsequently Queen ELIZABETH II; 924 (app 26.7.1958) Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales; & 992 (app 26.5.1998) Akihito, Emperor of Japan.

Rhodes Scholar
The Rhodes Scholarships, oldest of the international study awards available to American students, were created in 1902 by the Will of Cecil Rhodes, British philanthropist and colonial pioneer.

The Trilateral Commission, 1973
When the Trilateral Commission was first launched, the plan was for an equal number of members from each of the three regions. North American Chairman; Paul A. Volcker served as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve System from 1979-87. Mr. Volcker divided the earlier stages of his career between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Chase Manhattan Bank, and the Treasury Department.

The Trilateral Commission EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
Henry Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc; former U.S. Secretary of State; former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.

The Trilateral Commission
"...a vehicle for multinational consolidation of commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States." by Barry Goldwater.

The Trilateral Commission -- A Council on Foreign Relations Front Organization
The Trilateral Commission is a Council on Foreign Relations front organization, established to influence American foreign policy, and facilitate Council on Foreign Relations expansion into Europe, Canada and Japan. The Council on Foreign Relations uses front organizations to protect it from connection to illegalities that could lead to a Congressional investigation.

The Trilateral Commission
In 1973, Jimmy Carter became a student of Brzezinski, and a founding member of the Trilateral Commission. Beginning with Jimmy Carter, all the recent presidents, including president Clinton, have promptly filled their administrations with members of the Council on Foreign relations and The Trilateral Commission.

The Bohemian Club, 1872 and the global elite
The club's famed annual gathering has been held for more than 100 years at the 2,700-acre Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio, about 70 miles north of San Francisco in Sonoma County. This year's event drew in notables such as former President George Bush, Texas Gov. George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, retired Gen. Colin Powell, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Dow Chemical Chairman Frank Popoff, as well as actor Danny Glover. There are currently about 2,700 members.

Bohemian Grove & Global Elite
...all-male ultra-exclusive Bohemian Club to which every Republican President since Herbert Hoover has belonged. ...a partial list of some of the prominent members: "George P. Shultz, Stephen Bechtel, Jr., Gerald R. Ford, Henry Kissinger, William F. Buckley, Jr., Fred L. Hartley, Merv Griffin, Thomas Haywood, Joseph Coors, Edward Teller, Ronald Reagan, A. W. Clausen, George Bush, William French Smith, John E. Swearingten, Casper W. Weinberger, Justin Dart, William E. Simon,...Richard Nixon, Dick Cheney.

The annual gathering near the Russian River, which was first held in 1879, starts with the "Cremation of Care" ritual, in which the club's mascot is burned in effigy, symbolizing a freedom from care. Members also perform several plays, and gourmet food and expensive wine are plentiful.

Favorite Illuminati Symbol: The All-Seeing Eye. New World Order Currency: The all-seeing-eye on the dollar bill. Below the illuminati pyramid/eye symbol are the words: "Novus Ordo Seclorum," which can be translated as: "A new order of the ages"

The Serpent promised Adam and Eve that their eyes would "be opened" if they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The key word in this passage is eyes, which in Hebrew can be translated "knowledge." Opened can be translated "broadened." What the Serpent promised Adam and Eve was that knowledge would be broadened if they ate of the forbidden fruit.

But the most foreboding aspect of this scripture emerges from the fact that the Hebrew word for "eyes" is not plural, but singular. What the Serpent actually told Adam and Eve was that their "eye" would be broadened by knowledge.

The "eye" that Scripture wants us to consider is not the physical organ of sight, but the eye of the mind or the soul. This singular "eye" is called the "third eye" of clairvoyance in the Hindu religion, the eye of Osiris in Egypt, and the All-Seeing Eye in Freemasonry.
(John Daniel, Scarlet and the Beast.

The all-seeing eye is the elite's favorite symbol. It represents the eye of Lucifer seeing all and is usually atop a pyramid, the symbol for a top-down command and control system of compartmentalization.

Have you or anyone in your generations been in Freemasonry? Did you know there are a lot of curses that come down the family bloodline when someone has been involved in the Masonic Lodge, like curses of sickness and disease, financial problems, job problems, etc.

Masonic Presidents

United States Presidents – Masonic Presidents List:

George Washington – he renounced it
James Monroe
Andrew Jackson
James Polk
James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
James Garfield
William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt
Howard Taft
Warren Harding
Franklin Roosevelt
Harry Truman
Gerald Ford

Masonic Presidents

It is reported that Lyndon B. Johnson (U.S. President 1963-1969, rated “Average – high”, #10 out of 36) was a Freemason in the sense that he took the Entered Apprentice, or 1st Degree, but did not continue to the 2nd and 3rd degrees. Some would consider him to have been a Freemason, but others would not. EA Oct. 30, 1937, in Johnson City Lodge #561, Johnson City, TX.

The bible used to swear in presidents belongs to St. Johns Lodge in New York City. Because the Bible belonged to a Masonic Lodge many writers assumed he was a Freemason. The Bible was used at the request of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies

This Bible was first used on April 30, 1789, by the Grand Master of the Masons in New York to administer the oath of office to George Washington, the first president. Other presidents who took their oath of office with this Bible are Warren G. Harding, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Jimmy Carter.

Short Masonic Prayer of Renunciation

Information from internet

Traci Morin
Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Traci Morin, President - Touch of God Ministries - a Christian healing and deliverance ministry. If your family was involved, going back 4 generations, in the Freemasonry, a lot of curses - sicknesses, financial curses, blocks to your success, and more. 

Get free from the curses of Masonic curses from freemasonry oaths.

Freemasonry Exposed Curses

Masonic Handshake Has Significant Meaning

Presidents Who Have Been Freemasons

List sof Masonic Presidents in Freemasonry

How Many Presidents Were Masons

See a list of how many presidents were masons who served our country.

George Washington - he renounced it
James Monroe
Andrew Jackson
James Polk
James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
James Garfield
William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt
Howard Taft
Warren Harding
Franklin Roosevelt
Harry Truman
Gerald Ford

It is reported that Lyndon B. Johnson (U.S. President 1963-1969, rated "Average - high," #10 out of 36) was a Freemason in the sense that he took the Entered Apprentice, or 1st Degree, but did not continue to the 2nd and 3rd degrees. Some would consider him a Freemason, but others would not. EA Oct. 30, 1937, in Johnson City Lodge #561, Johnson City, TX.

The Bible used to swear in presidents belongs to St. John Lodge in New York City. Because it belonged to a Masonic Lodge, many writers assumed he was a Freemason. The Bible was used at the request of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.

This Bible was first used on April 30, 1789, by the Grand Master of the Masons in New York to administer the oath of office to George Washington, the first president. Other presidents who took the oath of office with this Bible are Warren G. Harding, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Jimmy Carter.

The list of freemason presidents who served our country is amazing. What does that tell you about our country and why it is becoming so dark?

Keywords: exposing freemasonry, grand master, masonic bible, presidents of the United States, presidents who have been freemasons, freemasonry is a cult, masonic cult, freemasonry, and lucifer.

Get your free copy of Freemasonry Exposed by clicking on the picture to go to the download page. 

Freemasonry Exposed Curses

Traci Morin, President - Touch of God Ministries - a Christian healing and deliverance ministry. If your family was involved, going back 4 generations, in the Freemasonry, a lot of curses - sicknesses, financial curses, blocks to your success, and more. Get free from the curses of Masonic curses from freemasonry oaths.

Breaking Curses of Freemasonry

Breaking curses of freemasonry

Effects from the Curses of Freemasonry

Was your family involved in Freemasonry or Eastern Star?

Breaking Freemasonry Curses Prayer

Masons are connected with Rosicrucians and the Knights Templar. There is an immense amount of cross-pollination between the Illuminati and Freemasonry. Masonry is connected to witchcraft in a spiritual pyramid. The Devil takes the weak and ignorant and opens them to the door to the occult. Pre-marital sex, abortion, illegal drug use, and dabbling in the occult and satanism by children of Masons is a by-product of their parents following idolatry.

Masons are present-day Druids. The worship of the phallus is indicated by a circle and a point within a circle.

 The square and compass symbolize the human reproductive organs, locked in coitus.  In fact, during the rituals, the sharp point (of a compass or a dagger) is placed on their chest. Someone then asks, "Who comes?" to which the candidate states, "A poor, blind beggar looking to move from darkness to the light of Freemasonry."   What comes in are curses that curse your body (the chest, lung, and heart area).


The origin of Masonic Oaths is identical to Hindu Temple worship.  When you take an oath, you come under a great deception and are blinded.

At the first degree level, as far as many masons get, they call upon themselves and their families terrible curses.

Breaking curses of freemasonry
The Masonic occult religion depends heavily upon Kabbalism, which is Jewish occultism that flowered during the Middle Ages (thirteenth century AD). Even the famous Mason Albert Pike confesses that “the Kabbalah is the key to occult sciences,” and he claims that “all Masonic associations owe to it [Kabbalism] their Secrets and their symbols.”

Those within Freemasonry, whether known or unknown, actually perform occult rituals when they invoke the gods of pagan religions (which are actually demons according to I Cor. 10:19-20). Therefore, the gods of the Hindu, Egyptian, Muslim, and Buddhist religions are, in fact, demons. And when you dabble in the occult with the symbols and ritual, you invoke demons to your aid.

Rosicrucians - The Rosicrucians are a legendary and secretive order dating from the 15th or 17th century, generally associated with the symbol of the Rose Cross, which is also used in certain rituals of the Freemasons. Several modern societies have been formed to study Rosicrucianism and allied subjects. Still, they are not directly derived from the "Brethren of the Rosy Cross" of the 17th century, though they are keen followers thereof.

Get your free copy of Freemasonry Exposed by clicking on the picture to go to the download page. 

Freemasonry Exposed Curses

Deliverance Prayers - Breaking Freemasonry Prayers

First Degree renunciation prayers

Renounce Hoodwink - and its effects on emotions and eyes, including all confusion, fear of the dark, fear of the light, and fear of sudden noises. Hidden meaning: A blindfold is a symbol of secrecy and mystical darkness. "Hood" goes back to old German and Anglo-Saxon, in which it referred to head covering, as in hat, hood, helmet, etc.; "wink," in the same languages, meant to close the eyes, "wench," "wince," etc., is similarly derived. A hoodwink was, therefore, a headdress designed to cover the eyes. The word's widespread use is believed to go back to the old sport of falconry, once so popular, in which the falcon had a hood over its eyes until ready to strike at its prey.

Renounce the Noose around the neck - the fear of choking and also every spirit causing asthma, hay fever, emphysema, or any other breathing difficulty.

Renounce Compass point, sword, spear, or poignard, held against the breast - the fear of death by stabbing pain and the fear of heart attack. Meaning: A mathematical instrument for dividing and drawing circles, indicating the magnetic meridian.

The secret word BOAZ causes a person to mix and mingle with truth and error. Meaning: It comes from the Hebrew word "in strength." The name of the left-hand pillar on the porch of King Solomon's Temple was adopted into speculative Masonry because of its symbolic meaning. It was broken to pieces by the Babylonians and carried to the city.

Pray, In the name of Jesus Christ, I now pray for healing the throat, vocal cords, nasal passages, sinus, bronchial tubes, lungs, heart, eyes, and any other parts that may have been or may have been affected. I pray for healing in the speech area and the release of the Word of God to me and through myself and my family members.

Second Degree Renunciation Prayers

Renounce The Oaths are taken - curses on the heart and chest.

Renounce the secret words of SHIBOLETH & JACHIN – Shiboleth’s meaning: An ear of corn, a test word, a watchword, slogan. Shibboleth was a term used by followers of Jephthah to test the Ephraimites who sought to escape across the Jordan after having refused to fight in the armies of Israel. Because of their Ephraimite dialect, they pronounced it Shibboleth. Jachin’s meaning: He doth establish. It comes from two Hebrew words that mean "God will establish." Jachin combines two words: Jah, the poetical name of Jehovah, and iachin, meaning establishment. The full significance of the name is, therefore, "With God's help to establish," the symbolical meaning given to in the work of Freemasonry. The two great pillars of Solomon's Temple supporting the Great Porch, known as Solomon's Porch, were called Boaz and Jachin, Jachin being the right-hand pillar.

  • cut off emotional hardness,
  • apathy,
  • indifference,
  • unbelief, and all anger, intense anger, from myself and my family
  • a spirit of cruelty

Pray for the healing of all areas mentioned in this degree, including, but not limited to, the chest, lungs, and heart area. Also, pray to heal my emotions and ask to be sensitive to God's Holy Spirit.


Third Degree Renunciation Prayers

Renounce Oaths are taken - curses on the stomach and womb area.


Renounce the cable tow - cable tow is a rope or line for drawing or leading. A compound word of Masonic coinage combining cable (a cord) and tow (a rope for pulling). Symbolically, it represents the covenant by which all Masons are bound, the tie by which the candidate is attached to his brethren and can control its candidate.

Renounce the Spirit of death from the blows to the head. Meaning: The Masonic idea of death is accompanied by no gloom because it is represented as physical sleep for an unknown period, from which there will be an awakening of the body and resurrection of a spiritual body capable and fit for eternal life. From beginning to end, the rituals of Freemasonry teach and symbolize the doctrine of man's immortality and repudiate every iota of the principle of annihilation at death. In Masonic philosophy, death is the symbol of initiation completed, in which the resurrection of the body will be its final consummation.

• enacted as ritual murder,
• the fear of death,
• false martyrdom,
• fear of violent gang attacks,
• assault, or rape, and
• the helplessness

Renounce the falling into the coffin - the coffin involved in the murder ritual.

Renounce the false resurrection – a mockery of Jesus' Resurrection. Meaning: From the beginning, Freemasonry has been built on two cardinal beliefs: A belief in God and a resurrection to a future life. This later belief assumes faith in the immortality of man in his soul or spiritual life and recognizes the need for Redemption or Salvation from sin through Divine Grace. Throughout the rituals and symbolism of Freemasonry, and in all of its mythical teachings and legends, belief in these truths is exemplified and demanded.

Renounce the blasphemous kissing of the Bible – blasphemy.

Effects of the curse from 3rd Degree: It affects the stomach, gall bladder, womb, liver, and other organs.

Pray to cut off all spirits of death, witchcraft, and deception in the name of Jesus Christ.

Pray for the healing of all those parts affected by this degree, including, but not limited to, the stomach, gall bladder, womb, liver, and other organs.

Pray for the release of compassion and understanding over yourself and your family.

Holy Royal Arch Degree Renunciation Prayers

Renounce and forsake the oaths taken and the curses involved in the Holy Royal Arch Degree, especially the oath regarding removing the head from the body and exposing the brain to the hot sun.

Renounce the Mark Lodge and the Mark in squares and angles, marking the person for life.

Renounce and reject the jewel or talisman that may have been made from this mark sign and worn at lodge meetings.

Renounce the passwords leading to the Holy Royal Arch Degree, especially the blasphemous use of the Hebrew words by which God is sometimes known, namely AMA RU AMAH, meaning "I AM THAT I AM".

Renounce the false composite secret name of God, JAHBULON, and all these secret words mean in Freemasonry.

Renounce the false communion or Eucharist taken in this degree and all the mockery, skepticism, and unbelief about the redemptive work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.

Break the effects of these curses: cut off them and their impact on the body and mind, including, but not limited to, the head, brain, neck, and other areas, from myself and my family.

Eighteenth Degree (Rose Croix).

Renounce the oaths taken and the curses of the Wisest Sovereign Knight of the Pelican and the Eagle and the Sovereign Prince Rose Croix of Heredom.

Renounce and reject the Pelican witchcraft spirit, as well as the occultic influence of the Rosicrucians* and the Kabbala in this degree.

Renounce the claim that the death of Jesus Christ was a "dire calamity" and also the deliberate mockery and twisting of the Christian doctrine of the Atonement.

Renounce the blasphemy and rejection of the Deity of Jesus Christ and the secret words IGNE NATURA RENOVATOR INTEGRA and its burning.

Renounce the mockery of the communion taken in this degree, including a biscuit, salt, and white wine.

Thirtieth Degree

Renounce the oaths taken and the curses invoked in the Grand Knight Kadosh and the Knight of the Black and White Eagle.

Renounce all the passwords, particularly STIBIUM ALKABAR, and all they mean in Freemasonry.

Renounce the false journeys, the blasphemous crucifix, and, most notably, the inscription, in blood, of the secret name on the cube of white marble in front of a human skull.

Renounce the drinking of a toast from the cranium of a human skull.

Pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, that the effects of all oaths and promises be cut off from me and my family.

Thirty-first Degree Breaking Curses

Renounce the oaths taken and the curses invoked in the Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander.

Renounce all the gods and goddesses of Egypt who are honored in this degree, including Anubis with the ram’s head; Osiris, the Sun god; Isis, the sister and wife of Osiris; and the moon goddess.

Renounce the soul of Cheres, the false symbol of immortality, the Chamber of the Dead, and the false teaching of reincarnation.

Pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, that the effects of all oaths and promises be cut off from me and my family.

Thirty-second Degree

Renounce the oaths taken and the curses invoked in the Thirty-second Degree of Freemasonry, the Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret.

Renounce Freemasonry'’ false trinitarian deity, AUM, and its parts: Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer.

Renounce the deity of AHURA-MAZDA, the claimed spirit or source of all light, and the worship with fire, which is an abomination to God, and the drinking from a human skull in some rites. Pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, that the effects of all oaths and promises be cut off from me and all my family.

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Seventh Degree / Royal Arch Breaking Curses Prayer

When a Mason takes the Royal Arch oath or "obligation" to subvert and pervert justice, he is swearing to act in concert with Masonry's highest authority, whose corrupt ethics are inherent in the oaths. This means they have to cover up and give favors to other masons who commit crimes. Our Judges and lawyers who are masons do this.
Does anyone believe that the "All-Seeing-Eye" upon the Mason to whom Manly Hall claims the Mason is exclusively accountable is someone other than Lucifer?
York Rite

Renounce the oaths taken and the curses invoked in the York Rite of Freemasonry, including Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, Royal Master, Select Master, Super Excellent Master, the orders of the Red Cross, and the Knights Templar degrees.

Renounce the secret words of JOPPA, KEB RAIOTH, and MAHA-SHALAL-HASHBAZ.

Renounce the vows taken on a human skull, the crossed swords, and the death wish of Judas of having the head cut off and placed on a church spire.

Renounce the unholy communion and especially of drinking from a human skull in some rites.

Pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, that the effects of all oaths and promises be cut off from me and all my family.

Shriners. The USA only – does not apply in other countries).
Renounce the oaths taken and the curses and penalties invoked in the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.

Renounce the piercing of the eyeballs with a three-edged blade, the flaying of the feet, the madness, and the worship of the false god Allah as the god of our fathers.

Renounce the Hoodwink, the mock hanging, the mock beheading, the mock drinking of the blood of the victim, the mock dog urinating on the initiate, and the offering of urine as a commemoration. Its hidden meaning: A blindfold symbolizes secrecy and mystical darkness. "Hood" goes back to old German and Anglo-Saxon, in which it referred to head covering, as in hat, hood, helmet, etc.; "wink," in the same languages, meant to close the eyes, "wench," "wince," etc., is similarly derived. A hoodwink was, therefore, a headdress designed to cover the eyes. The word's widespread use is believed to go back to the old sport of falconry, once so popular, in which the falcon had a hood over its eyes until ready to strike at its prey.

Black Friday

Pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, that the effects of all oaths and promises be cut off from me and all my family.

Thirty-second Degree - Breaking Freemasonry Oaths Prayer

Renounce the oaths taken and the curses involved in the thirty-second degree of Masonry, the Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret. I renounce the secret passwords, "PHAAL/PHARASH-KOL," and all they mean.

Renounce Masonry's false trinitarian deity AUM and its parts: Brahma, the creator; Vishnu, the preserver; and Shiva, the destroyer.

Renounce the deity of AHURAMAZDA, the claimed spirit or source of all light, and the worship with fire, which is an abomination to God, and also the drinking from a human skull in many Rites.
Curses: It opens you up to the false light.
Thirty-third Degree – basically become Illuminati or illuminated at the 32nd degree.
Renounce the oaths taken and the curses invoked in the Thirty-third Degree of Freemasonry, The Grand Sovereign Inspector General.

Renounce and forsake the declaration that Lucifer is God.

Renounce the cable tow around the neck. The cable-tow ritual symbolizes the soul tie of the Masonic Brotherhood.

Renounce the death wish that the wine drunk from a human skull should turn to poison and the skeleton whose cold arms are invited if the oath of this degree is violated.


Renounce the three infamous assassins of their grandmaster, law, property, and religion, and the greed and witchcraft involved in the attempt to manipulate and control the rest of mankind.

Pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, that the effects of all oaths and promises be cut off from me and my family.

Side Note: He {the Mason} ... must cease considering Freemasonry solely as a social order only a few centuries old. He must realize that the ancient mystic teachings perpetuated in the modern rites are sacred and that powers unseen and unrecognized mold the destiny of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity.

All Other Degrees Breaking Freemasonry Oaths Prayer

Renounce all the other oaths that were taken, the rituals of every other degree, and the curses invoked. I Renounce all other lodges and secret societies such as Prince Hall Freemasonry, Mormonism, The Order of Amaranth, Oddfellows, Buffaloes, Druids, Foresters, Orange, Elks, Moose and Eagle lodges, the Ku Klux Klan, The Grange, the Woodmen of the World, Riders of the Red Robe, the Knights of Pythias, the Mystic Order of the Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, the Order of the Good Templars, the women’s Orders of the Eastern Star, the International Orders of Job’s Daughters, and of the Rainbow, and the boy’s Order of De Molay, and their effects on myself, and on my family.

Renounce the pagan teaching and symbolism of the First Tracing Board, the Second Tracing Board, and the Third Tracing Board used in the ritual of the Blue Lodge.

Renounce the pagan ritual of the ‘Point within a Circle’ with all its bondages and phallic worship.

Renounce the occultic mysticism of the black and white mosaic chequered floor with its variegated or indented borders, its tasseled corners, and the five-pointed blazing star in its center.

Renounce the symbol ‘G’ and its veiled pagan symbolism and bondages.

Renounce and utterly forsake The Great Architect of the Universe, The Grand Geometrician of the Universe, and the Highest who is revealed in the higher degrees as Lucifer, also his false claim to be the universal Fatherhood of God.

Renounce the false claim that Lucifer is the Morning Star and Shining One, and I declare that Jesus Christ is the Bright Morning Star of Revelation 22:16.

Renounce the All-Seeing Third Eye of Freemasonry or Horus in the forehead and its pagan and occult symbolism.

Renounce all false communions taken, all mockery of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary, all unbelief, confusion, and depression, and all worship of Lucifer as God.

Renounce and forsake the lie of Freemasonry that man is not sinful but only imperfect and can redeem himself through good works.

Renounce all fear of insanity, anguish, death wishes, suicide, and death in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Renounce all anger, hatred, murderous thoughts, revenge, retaliation, spiritual apathy, false religion, all unbelief, especially unbelief in the Holy Bible as God’s inherent Word, and all compromise of God’s Word.

Renounce all spiritual searching into false religions and all striving to please God. I rest in the knowledge that I have found my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and that He has accepted me.

Pray and break off:
• Unbelief
• confusion and depression
• all fear of insanity,
• anguish,
• death wishes,
• suicide and
• death
• anger and hatred,
• murderous thoughts,
• revenge,
• retaliation,
• spiritual apathy,
• false religion,
• all unbelief, especially unbelief in the Holy Bible as God's Word, and all compromise of God's Word.
• spiritual searching into false religions

Close off the Seeing Third Eye of Freemasonry - false communions taken, all mockery of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.

Why Close the third eye. One of the stages of the Palladian Rite has elements common to a broad spectrum of occult traditions, evidently accounting for the reference to addiction to occultism which was made. It defines spiritistic Illumination.

More on the third eye. Illumination: through drugs and occult techniques of the Seers, the so-called Third Eye would be opened, not just partially (as in psychics) but entirely. This "eye"... is felt to be the point of contact between humans and Lucifer-consciousness. It is supposedly located in the forehead, above, and between the two visible eyes. To "open" the eye a little bit is to experience psychic powers. To open the eye entirely is to have your brain flooded with Lucifer's "pure" consciousness. This is why one of the Masonic symbols is the "All-Seeing Eye." It is a symbol of Illumination.

... In it, you acquire a "personal relationship" with Lucifer. You begin to think about his thoughts and see with his eyes. You start to look at humans the way he does. It could be a better experience!

Break the power of the Kundalini serpent, or snake: The occult ancient wisdom offers so-called "redemption" by being bitten at the base of the brain by Lucifer; the kundalini serpent force passes upwards through the body into the brain to produce spiritistic "illumination." Manly P. Hall also made the occult "tradition" refer to the serpent doctrine when he wrote, "Through him {the initiate Master Mason} passes ... the great snake ..."

That "energy" is identifiable as the "Force," Albert Pike identified as Satan. In fact, the kundalini force is recognized as a serpent force that travels up the spinal cord in mystical techniques such as kundalini yoga. Howard clearly identifies the illumination of the brain of the occult tradition as occurring under the auspices of Lucifer, the Devil.

The power of the Kundalini - The process begins with the candidate in the "human form." The method of illumination ends with a "risen Master," the incarnation of the disincarnate Lucifer-associated spirit "permeating the brain-mind" of the human body, resulting in the "Master" discarnate demon "rising" in the flesh, or as some would put it, on the physical plane. The substance of Masonry's re-incarnation is that the gradual, step-by-step, degree-by-degree take-over of a person by Lucifer-associated entities or spirits incarnates the demon-spirit in the flesh of the human, and it is the demon-spirit that lives on when the human's subverted body is no longer capable of being sustained. 

The 33rd degree had a fascinating comment regarding what happens when the human organism dies, which has been thoroughly "transmuted" or taken over. In other words, the invading spirit that drives the "brain-mind" evidently imparts the thoughts it wishes to the human vehicle, and a co-option process follows. The human serves as a "host" to a discarnate demon entity that survives the death of the host human body.

What appears to be far more sinister than the conventional "possession" of a person by a demon spirit is the Masonic gradualism involved in the transformation and imprinting of the human brain by the transforming force of the demon and a further transmutation of the person using a step by step development of "co-consciousness" with the Luciferian spirit and potential take-over. This appears to differ significantly from cases where, for example, a person might be victimized by demon possession and later return to consciousness while lacking recollection of what took place. Thus, the "evolution" that spirit guides facilitate through humans by "opening" the "psychic eye," whether in association with the Masonic Lodges or other associations, represents the sinister process of corrupting the individual with the consciousness of Lucifer-associated spirits. The cooperative process of using one's own mind to further the process as a "bridge" is how Hall referred to it.

Masonry, ruled by the Super Rite in which Lucifer or other demon spirit entities "flood" the initiate's consciousness, demonstrates direct influence and control by Lucifer, the god of Masonry, over the Masonic organization and machinery. Suppose a judge in an American court does not belong to the Illuminati. In that case, he can be very useful to the Masonic "machinery" that has taken the Royal Arch Degree oath in which he has sworn to obstruct or pervert justice if need be. If a judge, as a 33rd-degree Mason, has pledged his highest allegiance to the Supreme Council, he is no less helpful. The Masonic Machine functions such that both Palladian Luciferians and those not acting in concert.

90 & 96 Degrees (Europe)

The Hidden Mysteries of Nature and Science. 90 degrees, of which its ritual comprised 68, were already included in the French system. The rite of Misraim is exciting and instructive, but many degrees must be more relaxed to be popular. The initiation is a reproduction of the ancient rite of Isis. It represents the contests of Osiris and Typhon, the death, resurrection, and triumph of the former, and the latter's destruction. There are 90 degrees divided into four series - symbolic, philosophical, mystical, and cabalistic, and again divided into seventeen classes. 

The traditions of this system are full of anachronisms, historical events, and characters, separated by hundreds of years, being made to figure on the same scene at the same time. The work entitled "De l'Ordre Maconnique de Misraim" was published at Paris in 1835 by Mons. Marc Bedirride, purporting to give the history of the Order, is a mere romance and full of puerilities. Nevertheless, many of the degrees are highly interesting and instructive.

Illuminati (there are different levels and are below the great brotherhood)
"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name and occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Free Masonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Free Masonry not existed, this cover would have been employed, and it may be much more than a cover; it may be a powerful engine in our hands.

Prayers to break all demonic powers associated with Freemasonry Curses

Now, Dear Father God, I humbly ask for the blood of Jesus Christ, Your Son, to cleanse me of all these sins I have confessed and renounced, to cleanse my spirit, my soul, my mind, my emotions, and every part of my body which has been affected by these sins, in Jesus’ mighty name!

I renounce every evil spirit associated with Freemasonry and Witchcraft, as well as all other sins. I command, in the name of Jesus Christ, that Satan and every evil spirit be bound and leave me now, touching or harming no one, and go to the place appointed for you by the Lord Jesus Christ, never to return to either myself or to my family, through all generations. In the name of our Lord Jesus, I call to be delivered of these spirits by the many promises recorded in the Holy Bible.

I ask to be delivered of every spirit of sickness, infirmity, curse, affliction, addiction, disease, or allergy associated with these sins I have confessed and renounced.

I surrender to God’s Holy Spirit and no other spirit, all the places in my life where these sins have been. I ask You, Lord, to baptize me in Your Holy Spirit according to the promises recorded in Your Word. I take the whole armor of God following Ephesians Chapter Six and rejoice in its protection as Jesus surrounds me and fills me with His Holy Spirit. I enthrone You, Lord Jesus, in my heart, for You are my Lord and my Savior, the source of eternal life. Thank You, Father God, for Your mercy, forgiveness, and love, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Amen and Amen.

Side note on their beliefs:

" This super-rite, which is masonic Luciferian spiritism, must not be confused with the machinery of high masonry. ... High masonry is a supreme administration involving an organization much more highly developed than Palladium whose secret leaders, some of whom are not Luciferian, act in concert and accept a superior central authority so that their work may be the more effective."
Thus, even 33rd-degree Masons who are not engaged in Palladian Luciferian practices act in concert with those who dominate Freemasonry through that diabolical Rite.

The "operative" masons of medieval Europe built and subverted towering cathedrals with silent subversion. The "speculative" Masonry, which spread from England, provided a well-oiled machine or vehicle for revolution for the Illuminati's "ultimate secret society" to rule the world by a "New Hierarchy." Guidance by "Secret Orders of initiates" of pagan mystery religion has been shaping not only their immediate domain of secret societies but has been steering a monstrous Plan that ultimately has every individual at "ground zero" of the conspiracy. The third stage into which Masonry is classified is that which 33rd degree Mason Foster Bailey reveals as "spiritual masonry," put to writing in 1957 in his book, The Spirit of Masonry.

Having in mind the horrifying "spirituality" or "masonic Luciferian spiritism" that rules Freemasonry at the highest levels, one has more than a clue as to the substance of what the third general phase, or "spiritual masonry" involves.

... a "Golden Age," ... but in virtue of which men were once in conscious conversation with the unseen world and were shepherded, taught, and guided by the "gods" or discarnate superintendents of the infant race, who imparted to them the sure and indefeasible principles upon which their spiritual welfare and evolution depended.

The Masonic philosophy that "man is a god in the making" translates to the Hierarchical objective that the body of man or woman is the object of a god in the incarnating.

Man is a god in the making, and as in the mystic myths of Egypt, on the potter's wheel, he is being molded. When his light shines out to lift and preserve all things, he receives the triple crown of godhood and joins that throng of Master Masons who, in their robes of Blue and Gold, are seeking to dispel the darkness of night with the triple light of the Masonic Lodge.

First, please remember that the Illuminati have SIX branches of learning, and the spiritual (where the sacrifices are done) is only ONE part of what they do.

The Celtic branch of the spiritual believes that power is passed at the moment between life and death. They will do rituals with children or even older adherents, where the person is tied down, and an animal is bled to death on top of them. The belief is that the person receives power from the departing spirit, which "enters" the person. It is also highly traumatizing and horrible to have an animal go through its death throes on top of you. Throw in a few threats that "this will happen to you if you ever tell," and a pretty strong impression is made on small children.

Opening portals and dimensions. High-level masons and Illuminati believe in spiritual dimensions and that to pass into them, first, a significant sacrifice is made to "open a portal," usually several animals. I have also seen animal sacrifices done to protect from the demonic, or blood used to "close a circle" so the wicked cannot penetrate it.

There are children as young as three and four being used in pornographic films, beaten black and blue if they refuse to comply. Toddlers are being forced to watch brutalities, then given a stick and told to go over and hit the victim themselves, or they will be beaten. The child hesitates; it doesn't want to, and the adults hit the child until the child goes, tears streaming down its face, and unwillingly does what the adults tell it. This is cruelty beyond belief.

Traci Morin, President - Touch of God Ministries - a Christian healing and deliverance ministry. If your family was involved, going back 4 generations, in the Freemasonry, a lot of curses - sicknesses, financial curses, blocks to your success, and more. Get free from the curses of Masonic curses from freemasonry oaths.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Secrets Of The Dollar Bill

Learn The Dollar Bill Secrets

How the Dollar Bill ties into the Freemasonry Organization

eye symbol meaning

Example: The pyramid on the dollar bill means the all-seeing eye of Horus on the dollar bill, and many more like the new world order symbol. You will be shocked to see the truth about our dollar. Learn about the Dollar Bill Secrets.

Video Title: Dollar Bill Secrets

Dollar Bill Secrets - secret symbols of the dollar bill

Traci Morin, President - Touch of God Ministries - a Christian healing and deliverance ministry. If your family was involved, going back 4 generations, in the Freemasonry, a lot of curses - sicknesses, financial curses, blocks to your success, and more. Get free from the curses of Masonic curses from freemasonry oaths.

Get your free copy of Freemasonry Exposed by clicking on the picture to go to the download page. 

Freemasonry Exposed Curses

The Coming AntiChrist

Doc Marquis - Arrival of the AntiChrist

Antichrist member of the Illuminati group?

Former Illuminist/Satanist Doc Marquis provides insight into the coming "Masonic Christ", the Antichrist, which only an insider could know. Chapters include - 1) Introduction; 2) History of the Masters of the Illuminati; 3) Religion of the Illuminati - and of Antichrist; 4) The Illuminati 7-Part Plan for Global Conquest. Focus is on the infamous Rothschild 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and how leaders are following that plan as a blueprint; 5) The two Great Seals of the United States; 6) Maps of Washington, D.C. From this discussion, Doc presents a thorough examination of the Illuminati Card Game, showing specific cards.

Freemasonry Symbols and Secrets

More Freemasonry Symbols and Secrets

Masonic Symbols of Washington D.C.

Secrets of the Freemasonry of Washington D.C.

Exposing the Architecture of Washington D.C.

Do you have questions about 2012 that you really want or need to be answered... the new documentary will have a unique Q&A at the end. Email us your questions to ensure they'll make it in... Thank you, and God bless...

The outer circle has many organizations striving mightily and cooperatively for the New World Order. They are:

Roman Catholic Church

Satanism (Active Worship of Satan)

Secret Society called "Rosicrucianism"

D & D (Dungeons and Dragons Role Playing Game)

(Note: This game system is the perfect instructional manual on practical


Satanic Sabbaths (Eight Holy Days per year, each of which requires human


Hebrew Letters written between the English words are from the Jewish.

Secret society, The Cabala. They mean, "Witchcraft Today For As Much.

Within Ancient Babylon". Translated, this means that the witchcraft practiced today is the same as in Ancient Babylon. Further, this Hebraic message is printed backward in the ancient tradition of Satanism. The Jewish Cabala is the most influential of all secret societies in the drive to the New World Order, the Anti-Semitic emphasis notwithstanding.

The Second Circle is comprised of the most influential human activity possible. The organizations and/or

Forces are:

The Illuminati (Secret Society modeled after the Roman Catholic Jesuits)

From its inception on May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt, the Illuminati

has been actively worshipping Satan and developing a Plan for instituting

The New World Order.

The Masons (Freemasonry)

Freemasonry has long been an occult secret society, with many of the

Goals of the New World Order. However, Masons taught that all the necessary changes in the New World Order would occur.

Naturally, as a result of "human evolution". From 1777-1782, Weishaupt's

Men infiltrated every Masonic Lodge in Europe to infiltrate their

Ideas of actual revolution are necessary to implement these changes.

In 1782, Freemasonry agreed with the Illuminati as to the necessity of

Revolution, signing on as co-leaders in the drive to the New World Order.

When the Illuminati was put out of business in 1785, Freemasonry became

The undisputed leader of the New World Order movement.

The House of Rothschild

The Satanic vision for the New World Order could never have been realized had it not been for the immense wealth of the Rothschild Family.

One of Weishaupt's first significant backers was Mr. Rothschild. Family Wealth has since been indispensable in the path to this system. But, why should Christians be surprised, for the Bible states, "The Love of Money is the root of all evil." (2 Timothy 6:10). Indeed, this most corrupt system in all history is rooted firmly and deeply in the love of money. 

The Rothschild Family is also one of history's prime examples of Generational Witchcraft.

(Exodus 20:3-5) The prime example of an American Family who is so involved is the Rockefeller Family, also very heavily involved in witchcraft.

Rock-n-Roll Music Industry

A former Luciferian like Marquis has no trouble understanding that Rock-n-Roll music is pure, unadulterated witchcraft. Christian authors in the past, I have made such a statement, only to be laughed at by teens anxious to keep their beloved music. Rock-n-roll is the perfect medium.

By which Satanists can teach youngsters the precepts of Satanism. This goal is accomplished by inducing human minds into a higher "stage of consciousness" (mild hypnosis) so that this Satanism can penetrate directly into their subconscious. Rock-n-Roll is preparing two entire generations of children for the values of the New World Order.

The Black Pope

In 1541, the Pope created the Satanic Secret Society known as the Jesuits. The goal of the Jesuits was to reverse the Reformation, to root out heretics, and to generally wage a constant state of war against all enemies of the church. The Jesuits were subjected to the absolute, total control of a general known as the Black Pope. This Black Pope is adept in the Black Arts of Satanism. While the Jesuits are bound to obey both the Black and White Popes, the Black Pope is believed to wield the real absolute power within the Vatican, beginning in the early 1700's. The Black Pope has consistently moved the R. C. Church deeper into the practice of witchcraft. This goal of officially taking over the R.C. Church for Satan has arrived at a late stage whereby the Public Pope is now using a non-traditional Crucifix, the one called the Twisted Cross. This Twisted Cross was created by Satanists in the Middle Ages as their symbol of Anti-Christ. Thus, when Pope John Paul II holds this Twisted Cross up to the faithful, as he does constantly, they are unknowingly bowing to the symbol of Anti-Christ. This is one of those never-before occurrences in world history that strongly suggests the beginning of the Great Tribulation and the Roman Catholic Pope as the False Prophet.

Satan's Inner Circle

Notice the Hexagram on which Satan's altar is resting. Since this hexagram is surrounded by a circle, it becomes a Demon Trap, which we now know is THE most powerful tool to conjure up a demon so that he can be forced to do what the Witch wants him to do. Thus, we have Satan represented at the top of this entire New World Order Plan (The All-Seeing Eye) and at the very inner core (The Demon Trap).

Satan's Altar is highly significant. Human sacrifice is required on this altar, as are abominations against God of every conceivable stripe. Marquis has chosen to drive home this point by pouring human blood over the altar and by showing the Anti-Christ Inverted Cross on one of the ends. The importance of the United States of America is clearly represented by the "Two Seals Of Our Doom".

Let us now step backward and look at the organizations contained within this Great New World Order Seal from another angle. Since this new order is to be comprised of three distinct elements -- Spiritual/Political/Economic --, let us examine each of these organizations as to which of these three elements each represents:

1. Spiritual Element

Satan -- Represented by the All-Seeing Eye, the altar, and the Demon Trap

Secret Societies -- The Illuminati, The Rosicrucians, and The Freemasons

Roman Catholicism -- The Catholic Church and The Black Jesuit Pope

Rock-n-Roll Music Industry

Dungeons and Dragons Role-Playing Game

2. Economic Element

The House of Rothschild

3. Political Element

The United States of America -- represented by our official Two Great Seals

Isn't it terribly revealing that the only political entity that Marquis lists as being an integral part of the drive to the New World Order is the United States of America? Furthermore, this country is listed as the official seal of Satan's altar, next to the heart of Satan himself.

Why only the United States of America? There have been other wicked and deadly countries in this deadly Twentieth Century. For example:

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Since the beginning of this Atheistic Empire, Communism has killed over 200 million people and has imprisoned tens of millions more. They have attacked God's True Church and God's Chosen People, the Jews. They have been responsible for untold misery and death for the last 80 years.

But, most importantly, their goals and their methods are identical to those of the Illuminati!! Why doesn't this most knowledgeable Luciferian Illuminist, Doc Marquis, list the USSR in his New World Organization Chart?

Does he know something we do not?

Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany

Hitler and his government were avowed Satan worshippers. In their vast public meetings, they led the adoring German people in actual Satan worship. The Nazi war machine plunged the world into the greatest war in all history, and it engineered the most systematic slaughter of human beings in all history. Nazi Germany systematically killed two-thirds of the world's population of God's Chosen People, the Jews, and they were beginning to kill Born-Again Christians at the time of their defeat.

But, most importantly, their goals and methods were New World Order. Hitler repeatedly called for establishing this new global system and often used the term, New World Order. Why doesn't this Illuminati-trained and educated Luciferian Illuminist, Doc Marquis, list Nazi Germany in his New World Organization chart?

Does he know something we do not?

When you understand the reason that only the United States of America is listed in this New World Order Organization Chart, you will be amazed to the point of denial. You will then understand why God must judge this former Christian Nation the most severely.

Have you or anyone in your generation been in Freemasonry? Did you know there are a lot of curses that come down the family bloodline when someone has been involved in the Masonic Lodge, like curses of sickness and disease, financial problems, job problems, etc?

Traci Morin, President of 
Touch of God International Ministries - a Healing and Deliverance Ministry - Setting the Captives Free

Masonic Curses Renunciation Prayers:

Short Masonic Prayer of Renunciation

Traci Morin, President - Touch of God Ministries - a Christian healing and deliverance ministry. If your family was involved, going back 4 generations, in the Freemasonry, a lot of curses - sicknesses, financial curses, blocks to your success, and more. Get free from the curses of Masonic curses from freemasonry oaths.

Get your free copy of Freemasonry Exposed by clicking on the picture to go to the download page. 

Freemasonry Exposed Curses